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A collection of attempts, tests, and trys. Click each image to learn more.


Advancing beyond the DOM; I'm working on mastering the MVC model of programming. By learning the Model, View, Controller approach, I'm able to create more complex applications.


For example, this multi-player game using Apple's Augmented Reality to play Pictionary. I haven't gotten the MultiConnectivity up and running just yet, but I'm working on it.

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It's amazing what a little HTML, CSS and JavaScript can do. Check out this game I coded with some vanilla effort. A great project to master the basics.


1 . Each turn, a player rolls the dice as often as they wish. The player's turn ends when they roll a 1 or decide to "hold."

2. If the player rolls a 1, they score nothing and its the next player's turn.

3. If the player presses "hold" at any time, the accumulated points are added to the player's "global" score.

4. First player to 100 wins.

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Instead of dropdown menus and rows of icons, what if users could "stay in one spot" and have navigation show when needed? What if 100% of a screen could be used for interaction and the navigation manifested "on demand"?


Rethinking the problematic radial menu and its uses. . .

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A phone app idea to help those in a relationship but wanting to also keep or expand their social circle. The app would also promote local business.


Experimentation manifested in this project by rethinking common design problems. For example, I attempt to resolve issues presented with Eli Pariser's Ted Talk about Filter Bubbles by creating a slider to granularly augment a user's profile picture sizes for filtering rather than making profile pictures the static "off" or "on."

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